Trainee recruitment process
We don’t want you to feel like you’re jumping through endless hoops. So we’ve tried to make our recruitment process straightforward. It’s designed to tell us what we need to know in order to decide if you’re the right fit for Buzzacott and help you decide if we’re the right place for you.

Apply online
Complete the application form for the role you're interested in to tell us about your academic background, interests and experience so we can start getting to know you.

Online assessments
If you pass Stage 1, we’ll invite you to complete online assessments which demonstrate your approach to verbal, numerical and logical thinking.

Stage 1 interview
If you’re successful in the assessments, we’ll invite you to our London office for an interview with HR and a member of the team. Depending on the role applied for, this lasts around 60 to 90 minutes and may include a written exercise.

Stage 2 (Partner) interview
The final step in the process is a less formal meeting with one of our partners to find out how well you’ll fit into the Buzzacott culture and give you the chance to ask any additional questions.