Paige Jelley, Supervisor, Tax Investigations
After leaving University and searching for graduate schemes online, I saw a vacancy for a graduate role in Buzzacott’s Tax Investigations team. My research showed that Buzzacott were a top 20 accountancy firm with a growing reputation as tax investigations specialists. The role seemed ideal given my academic background. I obtained a law degree at the University of Leicester, and felt a client-facing financial advisory role was a natural progression for me and believed joining Buzzacott Tax Investigations team would be a good career path. Having started in November 2020 and now been here for nearly 12 months, everything about the role and the firm has definitely lived up to my expectations.
I have felt very welcomed here, and despite starting my tax investigations career by working remotely because of Covid-19, I feel like I’ve settled in well and become a big part of the team. I’ve been able to build personal relationships with my colleagues inside and outside of the office, both through organised and some more spontaneous social events, which has been really nice.
My work has been a lot more varied than I’d first anticipated. I have had the opportunity to meet clients, write reports and letters on their behalf, as well as having the opportunity to present in a webinar to the rest of the firm. The most surprising element of my role, but also the most enjoyable, has been the amount of opportunity I’ve had to work directly with clients, even at such an early stage of my career and make representations on their behalf to HMRC. I didn’t anticipate that I’d be so heavily involved and trusted with client work so early on, but with the support and mentoring I have been given I have embraced the opportunity. It’s been immensely satisfying to see the impact that my work has had on the lives of our clients.
I’d advise new starters to make an effort to get to know others and get stuck in - it’s a way to make the settling in process more enjoyable. And if you’re going to be studying, getting the hang of balancing your time well is also really important.